2024/10/26-27 Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature (JASRLL) will have an annual conference at Soka University (Hachioji, Japan). We are looking forward to seeing international guests. You can see the program here.
2024/10/15 日本ロシア文学会誌『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』第56号が出ました。拙稿(書評)も掲載されています:
野中進 長與進、沢田和彦、アンドレイ・ドミートリエフ篇『日露文学研究者の対話ー安井亮平=ボリス・エゴーロフ往復書簡1974-2018』成文社、2023年、397頁『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』56(2024)、173-181.
2024/9/24 I took a part in the 10th International Platonov conference: To the 125th Anniversary of the writer's birth (Institure of World Literature, Moscow, 24-26 September, 2024).
Нонака Сусуму, Джай Даннин. Как японские студенты воспринимают произведения А. Платонова: опыт эмпирического подхода эмоциональной психологии. (Nonaka Susumu, Zhao Danning, "How Japanese students perceive the works of A. Platonov: Experience of the Empirical Approach of Emotoinal Psychology")
Great thanks to the orgcommittee!
2024/7/12 A paper of mine on Andrei Platonov has got published:
Сусуму Нонака. К чему можно привыкнуть и от чего нельзя отвыкнуть: к вопросу о традиционализме Платонова // "Страна философов" Андрея Платонова: проблемы творчества. Вып. 9. Юбилейный / отв. ред. Н.В. Корниенко; сост. М.В. Осипенко. М.: ИМЛИ РАН, 2024. 1040 с. С. 275-285.
You can read a review on this book here.
2024/6/12 A paper of mine on V. Rozanov has been published in "Filosofsky polilog":
you very much, dear Aleksei and Aleksandr!
2024/5/21 清泉女子大学で以下の講演に参加します:
2024/5/20 We have published a paper on an empirical approach to "being moved (kando)" by literature:
Nonaka Susumu, Zhao Danning, "How are young people moved by literature? An exploratory study on Japanese university students' eliciting factors of and responses to being moved by literary works", Modern Philology: Theory, History, Methodology, Part 2, Baltija: Riga, 2024, pp. 316-336.
Thank you for inviting us to participate in the the book, dear Lidiya-san!
2024/5/9-10 I took a part in the international conference "XVI Gogol Readings" held at the Gogol National Museum (Poltava) and Poltava National Pedagogical University with a paper:
Susumu Nonaka, Danning Zhao, "Being Moved by Literature: An Empirical Study on Japanese University Students".
There are some news about the conference and us.
2024/4/1 共著論文を発表しました:
野中進・趙丹寧「若者はどのように文学に感動するか(II)―文学的感動が 日本人大学生に与える影響についての探索的研究」『埼玉大学紀要(教養学部)』第59巻(第2号)、2024年、59-73頁。
2024/3/1 さいたま市常盤公民館にてウクライナの文学教育についての講演会があります(当日の様子)。
2024/1/3 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。
A Happy New Year! I hope 2024 year will bring us all peace and happiness.
2023/12/31 This year is coming to the end. I wish you all a happy New year, healthy and peaceful.
2023/12/28 2022年に出版した『ロシア小説講義ノート』のPDF改訂版を公開します。ご自由にご覧ください。
2023/12/27 18:00-20:00 QWS ACADEMIA SPECIAL(東京大学)「ウクライナ戦争におけるアートとは?文学とは?」に参加します。
2023/12/16 15:00-17:00 ロシア思想史研究会にて報告します:
野中進「『伝説』から『秘密』へ:V. ローザノフはいかにしてドストエフスキーを二十世紀の作家にしたか」
2023/11/29, 30 ポルタワ国立教育大学のオルハ・ニコレンコ先生らを迎えて特別講義を行います。受講生だけでなく、学内外の専門的関心をお持ちの方々のご参加も歓迎いたします。詳しくは埼玉大学HPをご覧ください。
2023/10/29 拙書評が掲載されました:
野中進「勇気づけたのは文学 石川達夫編著、貝澤哉・奈倉有里・西成彦・前田和泉著『ロシア・東欧の抵抗精神』成文社、2023年。産経新聞(2023/10/29)
2023/10/26 We participated in the 13th International Scientific Conference «World Literature in the 21st -century Literary Studies Discourse» (Lviv National University) with a paper:
Susumu Nonaka, Danning Zhao, "How Are Young People Moved by Literature? An Exploratory Study on Japanese University Students’ Eliciting Factors of and Responses to Being Moved by Literary Works"
Thank you for an invitation to the conference, dear Lidiia!
2023/10/21-22 The 73rd annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Toyama University.
Here is the program of the conference.
2023/10/11 日本ロシア文学会誌『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』第55号が出ました。拙稿(書評)も掲載されています:
野中進 Н. В. Ковтун. Трикстер как герой нашего времени: на материале русской прозы второй половины ХХ-ХIХ века. М.: Флинта 2022. 408 с. рр. 186-196. (N. V. コフトゥン『現代の英雄としてのトリックスター:20世紀後半ー21世紀のロシア散文を素材に』モスクワ:フリンタ)
2023/9/30 共著論文を発表しました:
2023/9/4 A lecture of mine on "Thousand Cranes", the novel written by Yasunari Kawabata, has been published in a Ukrainian journal Foreign Literature in Ukrainian Schools:
Сусуму Нонака. "Що визначає національного письменника? (за твором Ясунарі Кавабати «Тисяча журавлів»)", Зарубiжна лiтература в школах України. 2023.8. C. 6-9.
Thank you very much, dear Olya and Dmitro!
2023/8/24-28 XVIII Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society in Nagoya will take place on August 24-28, 2023. Am looking forward to seeing many participants from many countries and areas. Here is the program.
2023/5/22-24 Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii Dom), St. Petersburg holds the international conference "Aspects of Transformation of Artistic Text". I will read a paper "On some works about Russian literature and culture recently published in Japan".
2023/5/11-12 Poltava National Pedagogical University holds the International Scientific-Practical Conference "XV Gogol Readings". I will read a paper on Yasunari Kawabata (!).
2023/4/19 学術書評を発表しました:
三浦清美『ロシアの思考回路 その精神史から見つめたウクライナ侵攻の深層』扶桑社新書、2022年、295頁の書評。『ロシア文化研究』30号(2023)、111-115、早稲田大学ロシア文学会。
2023/4/12 論文を発表しました:
2023/2/1 A lecture of mine about "Spider Thread", a short story of a Japanese writer Ryunosuke Akutagawaa has been published in a Ukrainian journal Foreign Literature in Ukrainian Schools:
Сусуму Нонака. "Про "Павутинку" Рюносуке Акутагави: що таке лiтературний стиль", Зарубiжна лiтература в школах України. 2023.1. C. 4-7.
Thank you, dear Olya and Dmitro, for editing and publishing. And special thanks to Lena-san and Inna-san for translating the text into Ukrainian!
2023/1/1 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。
Happy New Year! I wish 2023 will be a peaceful year for all the people. Would like to see my friends whom I haven't seen for several years.
2022/12/31 A tragic year is coming to the end. Let's hope the coming 2023 year will be happy and peaceful for many people.
2022/12/20 A lecture of mine about a Japanese folktale "Momotaro (Peach-boy)" has been published in a Ukrainian journal Foreign Literature in Ukrainian Schools:
Сусуму Нонака. "Японська народна казка "Момотаро": погляд iз Японiї", Зарубiжна лiтература в школах України. 2022.9. C. 4-5.
Thank you, dear Olha and Dmitry! Happy Xmas to Ukrainian teachers and children!
2022/10/21-23 第72回日本ロシア文学会全国大会は専修大学(神田キャンパス)で行われます(会員用募集要項)。
The 72nd annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Senshu University (Tokyo Kanda campus). I hope this year's conference will be "real" and open to international colleagues. Here is the program of the conference.
You can watch Professor Yukiyoshi Inoue's special lecture on Nikolai Gogol:(in Japanese). Professor Inoue received the 9th Grand Prize of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature (JASRLL). Conguratulations, Inoue-san!
And you can see also the pre-symposium held on 21 October: "Spirit of Resistance in Russia and East Europe ー Languages and Cultures under Oppression: Russia, Belorus, Ukraine, Poland and Czech" (in Japanese).
2022/9/10 You can watch a kami-shibai ("paper-theater") performance of a Japanese fairy tale "Momotaro" by Ms. Azu Tanahara (a student of Saitama University). I also read a short lecture about the tale in Ukrainian.
2022/8/31 以下の論集に参加いたしました:
執筆したのは一項目(p. 365「革命」)のみですが、お引き立て下さい。
2022/6/25 小著を刊行しました:
野中進『ロシア小説講義ノート』埼玉大学教養学部リベラルアーツ叢書15、2022、244p. (ISBN 978-4-9910139-5-9)
2022/5/25 We are glad to announce the publication of the fifth volume of the series "Far East, close Russia":
Ацуо Накадзава. Древняя Русь и ее окресности. Белград: Логос, 2022); A. Nakazawa. Old Russia and Its Surroundings. Belgrade: Logos, 2022.
You can read the electronic version here.
Congratulations, Nakazawa-san! Thank you for a good editing, Stefan!
2022/3/16 We are proud to announce a publication of a collection of papers "Perspectives of Comparative World Literature and Cultural Studies" (Poltava, 2022). This is a collection of essays written by students of Poltava National Pedagogical University, Lviv National University and Saitama University. Ukrainian and Japanese students held a series of online seminar from December 2021 to January 2022 and made this book in spite of the war in Ukraine.
2022/2/28 Japanese Association of Investigation of Russian Language and Literature, a vice-president of which I am, has made a statement of protest against the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army.
We hope many people (including Russians) are with us.
2022/1/2 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。
Happy New Year! I wish you all health, happiness and success. Would like to see you this year as we haven't met each other for a long time.
2021/12/25 ロシア思想史研究会で報告をします。
野中進「ロシアにおけるストラーホフ研究の現状(V. ファテーエフの近著を中心に)」
2021/12/17 A short essay of mine about Boris Egorov and Yasui Ryohei has been published in the 100th number of Serbian Journal of Slavistics Зборник Матице српске за славистику:
Susumu Nonaka, "Conversations with B. F. Egorov about Laughter and Truth" (in Russian), Зборник Матице српске за славистику, v. 100 (2021), pp. 871-875.
Congratulations and thank you, dear Kornelia!
2021/12/10 An essay of mine about A. Platonov has been published in Studia Literarum (Institute of World Literature, Moscow):
Сусуму Нонака. К чему можно привыкнуть и от чего нельзя отвыкнуть: к вопросу о традиционализме А. Платонова. Studia Literarum. T. 6 (2021), No. 4. C. 300-313. (Susumu Nonaka. What you get used to and what you cannot: toward a question of A. Platonov's traditionalism).
Thank you very much for your help, Natalia Vasilievna, Masha!
2021/10/30-10/31 日本ロシア文学会第71回全国大会は「筑波大学・遠隔開催」となりました。
The 71st annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be organized at Tsukuba University in a remote regime.This year we will welcome international colleagus who are not members of JASRLL on zoom (Call for papers for international colleagues).
You can see the program of the conference.
2021/10/10 We are glad to inform you of the publication of a new book on Russian literature and culture:
You can see information about our book:
2021/10/9 日本ロシア文学会誌『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』第53号が出ました。拙稿(書評)も掲載されています:
野中進 В. А. Фатеев. Н. Н. Страхов: Личность. Творчество. Эпоха. СПб.: Пушкинский Дом, 2021. 642 с. рр. 184-196. (V. A. ファテーエフ『N. N. ストラーホフ、人格、創作、時代』ペテルブルグ:プーシキンスキー・ドム)
2021/9/17 A review essay about my book on A. Platonov has been published in a Russian academic journal: К. И. Шарафадина, Е. И. Колесникова. По сокровенным «тропам» Андрея Платонова: вслед за японским исследователем (методологический потенциал исследования художественного языка)// Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета технологии и дизайна. Серия 3. 2/2021. С. 118–121. DOI 10.46418/2079-8210_2021_2_20 (K. I. Sharafadina, E. I. Kolesnikova, "Along Innermost "Tropes" of Andrei Platonov: Following a Japanese Researcher (Methodological Potential of the Investigation of an Artistic Language)", Bulletin of St.Petersburg National University of Technology and Design. Series 3, 2/2021, pp. 118-121.
Thank you very much, dear Klara and Lena!
2021/5/31-6/1 The Institute of History and the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russan Academy will organize an international conference "Problems of Russian Literature, Culture and Social Thoughts of the 19th and 20th Centuries: In Memory of Boris Fyodorovich Egorov".
You can read my paper "Беседы с Б. Ф. Егоровым о смехе и истине" (Conversations with B. F. Egorov on Laughter and Truth) in Archive of my HP.
You can also watch the plenary session where I read my paper.
2021/3/30-31 Poltava National Pedagogical University holds the Fifth International Students' Scientific-Practical Conference "The Contemporary English Scientific Discourse" where I will make a short speech as a guest.
2021/3/1 I have done something which is "one small step for Mankind, one giant leap for Me":) Maybe, not a leap but a relief. Anyway, am very grateful to Professor Yasuoka.
2021/1/26 I was given the title of honorary professor at Poltava National Pedagogical University (Ukraine). You can see how the online ceremony was.
It is a big honor to me. Thank you for all, dear Olya!
2020/12/29 What a year it has been! Let us pray that the year 2021 will be better and safer for us all. I wish you a happy and healthy New Year! 皆さま、大変な一年でした。2021年が良い年になることを祈ります。年末年始、ご自愛ください。
2020/12/1 『Slavistika』35号(沼野充義教授退職記念号)が出ました。拙論も掲載されています(359-371頁):
2020/10/31-11/1 日本ロシア文学会第70回全国大会は「大阪大学・遠隔開催」となりました。大会資料はこちらです。
The 70th annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be organized at Osaka University but held remotely.
We are very sorry to announce that the annual assembly of JASRLL will not invite international colleagues this year considering COVID-19. Would appreciate your understanding. Wish to see you next autumn.
拙著への書評をご掲載いただいています:望月哲男「Сусуму Нонака. Сокровенные тропы: Поэтика стиля Андрея Платонова. Белград: Логос, 2019.(野中進『秘められた比喩:アンドレイ・プラトーノフの文体の詩学』ベオグラード:ロゴス社、2019)」(pp. 113-123)。
2020/10/3 A famous scholar of Russian literature and culture Boris Fyodorovich Egorov has passed away He was 95 years old. He celebrated our academic project "Far East, close Russia". We will remember his big smile and warm heart. Surprisingly, on the same day an old friend of his Ryohei Yasui, a Japanese scholar of Russian literature, passed away, too. A great shock to us all. We miss you both, Boris Fyodorovich and Yasui-san!
You can see BF's photo when he read a lecture at Waseda University in 2014.
2020/9/12 今年の日本ロシア文学会関東支部研究発表会は9月12日(土)、オンラインで行われます。ロシア文学会員であれば、関東支部以外の方も参加できます。学会MLで予約フォームが流れますので、ご予約下さい。
2020/9/8 Professor Olha Nicolenko's review on my book has been reprinted:
2020/9/6 拙訳書の書評が出ました:中嶋毅「『革命記念日に生まれて 子どもの目で見た日本、ソ連』 抑圧された家族の回想」『産経新聞』2020/9/6
2020/8/17 エルヴィン・ナギ『革命記念日に生まれて 子どもの目で見た日本、ソ連』野中進訳、東洋書店新社が出版されます。よろしくお願いします。
2020/6/17 2005年に亡くなったヴォロネシのV. A. スヴィテリスキー教授をしのぶ論集が出ました。私も「ヴォロネシと東京で。スヴィテリスキー教授との忘れられぬ出会い」 という回想を寄せました。
Сусуму Нонака. В Воронеже и Токио. Памятные встречи с В. А. Свительским // Н. М. Митракова (сост.) В поисках мудрости и добра. Памяти В. А. Свительского. Воронеж: Кварта, 2020. C. 228 - 231.
2020/3/14 A review of my book on Andrei Platonov has been published in a Swedish journal (Upsala University):
Tack, dear Boris, for a good review!
2020/2/1-2 We will have a seminar on Russian Literature and Culture at Kyungpook National University (慶北大学校), Daegu, South Korea. Anyone interested will be welcome (see the program).
講義題目:ブロニスワフ・ピウスツキ伝 〈アイヌ王〉と呼ばれたポーランド人
日時:1月9日 14時40分から16時10分
本講義は教養学部授業「スラヴ語圏の民族と文化B」の一環ですが、澤田先生の新著『ブロニスワフ・ピウスツキ伝 〈アイヌ王〉と呼ばれたポーランド人』(成文社、2019年;詳しく見る)の出版を記念して行う特別企画です。ご関心のある教職員・学生・地域の方々に広く公開いたします。
2019/12/27 Dear friends, I wish you all happy holidays and a happy New Year! 皆さま、良い冬休みとよいお年をお迎えください。
2019/11/5 A paper of mine on Nikolai Gogol has been published in a Ukrainian journal: Сусуму Нонака. Once Again: «Чему смеетесь? Над собою смеетесь!..» – В контексте мировой литературы // Філологічні науки. 2019. № 30. C. 15-19.
This number of the journal also has a review on my book about A. Platonov:
Ольга Николенко. Самоцветы слова Андрея Платонова: Рецензия на книгу: Нонака Сусуму. Сокровенные тропы: поэтика стиля Андрея Платонова – Белград: Логос, 2019. – 179 с. // Філологічні науки. 2019. № 30. C. 104-106.
Am very grateful for your good editorship and a wonderful review, Olya!
2019/10/26-27 日本ロシア文学会第69回全国大会は早稲田大学にて開催されます。The 69th annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Waseda University. Our conference is open to specialists who are not the members of JASRLL. We are looking forward to seeing a lot of international colleagues (Call for papers).
The program is here.
2019/9/23-25 They will have IX Platonov conference at IMLI, Moscow (see more). Looking forward to meeting old and new friends. (see my report)
2019/9/3 A new collection of papers on A. Platonov has been published: Е. А. Яблоков (ред.) Поэтика Андрея Платонова. Сб. 4. "На самой черте горизонта: платоновские пространства. М.: Полимедиа, 2019 (see more). An article of mine is included:
Нонака Сусуму. "Многомерность мотива рытья земли у А. Платонова ("Осьмушка" и другие поздние рассказы)". C. 84-94.
I appreciate your splendid leadership and editorship, dorogoi Zhenya!
2019/7/12 My book about Andrey Platonov has been published: С. Нонака. Сокровенные тропы: Поэтика стиля Андрея Платонова (Белград: Логос, 2019); S. Nonaka. Innermost Tropes: Poetics of the Style of Andrey Platonov (Belgrade: Logos, 2019). You can read the electronic version here. If you would like a paper edition, please email me.
2019/7/1(月)14:40-16:10 埼玉大学にてドミートリー・スクリプチェンコ氏の本特別講義「現代ロシアのジャーナリズム」を行います(教養学部棟35番教室、通訳有)。本特別講義は教養学部授業「ロシアの文学Ⅰ」の一環ですが、一般公開で行われます。ご関心のある方はお出で下さい。
We have a guest lecture "Contemporary Russian Journalism" by Dmitrii Scripchenko at Saitama University (Building of Faculty of Liberal Arts, Room 35). This lecture is open to anybody who might be interested in the topic.
2019/6/29-30 The 10th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies will be held at University of Tokyo (Hongo). The call for papers is open until 20th March (see more). Looking forward to seeing many colleagues from Asia and other parts of the world (schedule overview; program).
2019/4/2 (Tu.) I will take a part in the XIV Gogol International Conference which will be held in Poltava on 1-3 April. Though, unfortunately, I will be there online... (see more; the program; online registration).
2019/3/8 (Fr.) 14:00―17:10 I will be a discussant on an international symposium "Towards the Comparative Study of Emotions in Russian, German and Japanese Literature" which will be held at University of Tokyo (Komaba). The language will be English (see more).
Thank Adachi-san for organizing the seminar.
2018/12/15 The year is coming near to the end. How time flies! The older you get, the faster it gets. Anyway, I wish you all happy holidays and a happy New Year.
2018/10/27-28 日本ロシア文学会第68回全国大会は名古屋外国語大学にて開催されます。The 68th annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. Dear colleagues, why don't you come and join us? (Call for papers).
Here is the program.
2018/4/23 Happy to inform you that a new collection of papers we edited has been published: Valerij Grecko, Soo-Hwan Kim, Susumu Nonaka (eds.), Russian Culture Under the Sign of Revulotion: Far East, Close Russia, volume 2 (Belgrade, Seoul, Saitama: Logos, 2018 (see the contents; also here).
Thanks for your diligent editing, Stefan!
2018/4/22 Sorry that I am late to announce the publication of a new book on Andrei Platonov: "Страна философов" Андрея Платонова: проблемы творчества. Выпуск 8. Андрей Платонов и его современники. Исследования и материалы / Отв. редактор. Н. В. Корниенко. М.: ИМЛИ, 2017. An article of mine is included there: Нонака Сусуму. "Платонов между реализмом и модернизмом: сравнение как конструктивный принцип романа". C. 176-182.
Congratulations and thank you very much, Natalia Vasilievna and dear colleagues of the Platonov group at IMLI!
2018/1/24 A new book about Andrei Platonov has been published: Е. А. Яблоков (ред.) Поэтика Андрея Платонова. Сб. 3. "Скрытая теплота революции" М.: Полимедиа, 2017. An article of mine is included: Нонака Сусуму. ""Запас лиризма": К жанровой соотнесенности стихов и прозы Андрея Платонова". C. 90-103.
Thank you for your strong leadership, dorogoi Zhenya!
2018/1/22 Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg University has launched a new scientific journal Filosofskii Polilog. An article of mine "Как выражение получает свою форму и утешает человека: к одному поводу в письмах А. Платонова (How an expression gets its form and consolates one: on an expression in the letters of A. Platonov)" (pp. 111-125) is published there.
Congratulations on the new journal and thank you for having me, Igor, Aleksei and Sasha!
2017/12/26 Wish you all merry holidays and a happy New year! 皆さん、穏やかな年の瀬と新年をお過ごしください。
2017/10/14-15 今年の日本ロシア文学会は上智大学で行われます。This year's annual conference of Japanese Association of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Sophia University (Tokyo). It is hoped to be open to international researchers (see the Call for Papers).
大会資料集ができました。遅くなって申し訳ありません。The program is ready. Sorry for its being late (see the program).
2017/10/12(金)16:20-17:50 埼玉大学にてエレーナ・コレースニコワ先生の講演「ペテルブルグの文化とその魅力」があります。一般公開。通訳有(詳しく見る)。
2017/9/29-30 I will take a part in the Eight Symposium on European Languages in East Asia at National Taiwan University, Taipei: "Acceptance, Absorption, and Transformation in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures between East Asia and Europe" (see more).
2017/9/18-22 I am going to Smolensk (Russia) to take a part in a conference: Avraamievskaya Sedmitsa. Am looking forward to visiting the town for the first time (see more).
2017/7/26(水)15:00- 東京大学(本郷)にて古宮路子氏の博士論文公開審査があります(論文題目「オレーシャ『羨望』草稿研究―人物像の生成を中心に」)。副査を務めます。
2017/7/15 (Sa) 13:00-15:00 We will hold a Beseda meeting at University of Tokyo (Hongo, Faculty of Letters, Build. 3, Seminar Room on the 7th floor). ベセーダやります!ふるってご参加ください。
Сергей Васильев, "М. А. Шолохов и русская литературная традиция: предшественники (А. Н. Радищев) и последователи (Захар Прилепин)."
The lecture will be given in Russian (see the program).
2017/7/8 (土)14:00-17:30 日本ロシア文学会主催・公開シンポジウム「ロシアの文化―その魅力と鑑賞法」が東京大学(本郷)法文1号館113教室にて開かれます。予約不要・入場無料ですので、お気軽にお越しください。(詳しく見る)
2017/6/3-4 The 8th East Asian Conference on Slavic and Eurasian Studies (EAC) will be held this year at Chung-ang University, Seoul, Korea (call for papers). Am looking forward to seeing Korean and other colleagues.
2017/4/8 (Sa) We will hold an April session of ”Beseda” at Waseda University. Please feel free to join us (see more). ベセーダやります。お気軽にご参加ください(詳しく見る)。
2017/3/17(金) 仁科弘之先生の退職記念論文集『言語をめぐるX章:言語を考える、言語を教える、言語で考える』(埼玉大学教養学部リベラルアーツ叢書別冊2、2017)が出ました。44本の論文からなる大論集です。
2017/3/11 (Sa) 埼玉大学にて「埼玉大学国際フォーラム:日本語学」が開かれます(詳しく見る)。Saitama University will hold "SU International Forum: Japanese Linguistics" (see more).
2017/2/21(火)15:00- 東京外国語大学にて佐藤貴之氏の博士論文公開審査があります(論文題目「同伴者作家B・ピリニャーク作品の革命表象に関する研究」)。副査を務めます。
2016/12/23 (Fr) Wish you all a happy Xmas and a happy New year! С праздниками и наступающим Новым годом! みなさま、穏やかな年の瀬とよいお年を!
2016/12/17 (土) 15:00-17:30 ロシア思想史研究会で報告します(早稲田大学戸山キャンパス31号館307教室):野中進「言語表現はいかにそのかたちを得て、人をなぐさめるか:アンドレイ・プラトーノフの手紙の一節によせて」
2016/12/3 (Sa) 13:00-17:45 We will have an international seminar on Russian literature and culture ("Beseda") at Waseda University. Please join us (see the program).
2016/11/13 (Su) A Festschrift book in the Honor of Boris Fedorovich Egorov has been pubished: Острова любви Борфеда. Сборник к 90 летию Бориса Федоровича Егорова. СПб.: Росток, 2016. 1056 стр. (See the content)
From Asian countries the following essays are included:
Рёхей Ясуи. "Сорок лет дружбы с Б. Ф. Егоровым". С. 127-129.
Су Кван Ким. "Почему Лотман настаивал на своем особом мнении о смерти Пушкина? (О значении "обдуманной стратегии"). С. 422-429.
Сусуму Нонака. "В. Гроссман в контексте мировой литературы (К вопросу о переосмыслении русской литературы советского времени)". С. 645-652.
Our "Borfed" is 90 years old this year. Marvellous! Congratulations, Boris Fedorovich! Thank you for an invaluable book, Andrei!
2016/11/13 (Sa) Oops! we have lost the entries of this year. We might reconstruct them. Sorry for the inconvenience.
2016/10/22-23 日本ロシア文学会第66回全国大会が北海道大学にて開催されます(詳しく見る)。The 66th annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Hokkaido University (see more). You can see the program here.
2016/10/15(土)『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』第48号が出ました。拙書評「安井亮平著『ソ連文芸クロニクル』『ロシアわが友』(ともにスラヴァ書房、2015)」(pp. 187-193)も掲載されています。
2016/9/20-22 I will take a part in a conference: the Fourth International Seminar on the History of Russian philosophy "Russian-Japanese Philosophical Dialogue" at St. Petersburg University (see the program).
We have published a collection of papers: S. Nonaka, Y. Momiuchi, K. Numano (eds.) Japanese Literature in the World: On Literary Educaton in Post-Soviet Countries (Saitama University, Studies in Liberal Arts, v.8). If you want a copy, please email us. Please note that all the essays but one are written in Japanese.
2015/12/31(木)Dear friends, the year 2015 is coming to the end. I wish the year 2016 will be a better one for you all. A Happy New Year! С Новым годом! よいお年を!
2015/11/21(土)14:00-15:30 戸田市教育センターにて埼玉大学・戸田市連携講座「晩年のレフ・トルストイー人生と創作から」をお話しします(詳しく見る)。
2015/11/12(木)14:40-16:10 埼玉大学にてマルギット・ユーリカス氏(タリン大学)の講演「エストニアにおける日本文学受容について」があります(詳しく見る)。
2015/11/7-8 日本ロシア文学会第65回全国大会が埼玉大学にて開催されます(詳しく見る)。The 65th annual assembly of Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature will be held at Saitama University. We welcome international researchers who are not members of JASRLL this year (see more). 大会資料集はこちらです。遅くなったことをお詫び致します。Here is the program of the conference. Very sorry for being late.
2015/11/7(土)15:40-16:40 埼玉大学にて日本ロシア文学会大賞記念講演会、吉岡ゆき氏「私とロシア語」が行われます。一般公開です。お気軽にお出で下さい(詳しく見る)。
2015/10/23(金)『ロシア語ロシア文学研究』第47号が出ました。拙書評論文「近年のプラトーノフ研究から(動向と潮流)」(pp. 239-248)も掲載されています。
We have got a new HP of Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University. Would be happy if you have a look:
2015/8/3-8 ICCEES (International Council for Central and East European Studies) will hold the IX World Congress in Makuhari, Japan (see more). Am looking forward to seeing you all. You can catch me at these panels and sessions if you want:
8/4 (Tu) 14:30-16:00, Room 6-205, Panel I-3-15 "Literary Education in Post-Soviet Countries" (as a chair)
8/6 (Th) 16:30-18:00, Room 4-203, Panel III-4-14 "What Does It Mean for Writers to Survive Totalitarianism?" (as a discussant)
8/6 (Th) 18:00-18:30, Room 4-104, Book Presentation III-E-2: Дальний Восток, близкая Россия: эволюция русской культуры - взгляд из Восточной Азии (Belgrade-Seoul-Saitama, 2015); Серия “Поэтика Андрея Платонова” (Belgrade, 2013; Moscow, 2015)
8/6 (Th) 18:30-20:00, Crystall Hall, Evening Session III-5-2 "Russian Literature in East Asia Today and Tomorrow: Translation, Reception, and Interpretation" (as a moderator)
8/7 (Fr) 9:30-11:00, Room 4-107, Panel IV-1-14 "Andrei Platonov in the Context of Russian Classic Literature ー From Pushkin to the Symbolists" (as a presenter) (See the online program)
2015/7/20 (Mo) A collection of papers we edited has been published:
Valerij Grecko, Soo-Hwan Kim, Susumu Nonaka (eds.), Far East, Close Russia: The Evolution of Russian Culture ー A View from East Asia (Belgrade, Seoul, Saitama: Logos, 2015; ISBN 978-86-88409-48-3; see the contents)
If you want a copy of the book to read, please email me.
2015/7/11 (Sa) An article of mine on Andrei Platonov has got pubslihed:
Cусуму Нонака. "Ситуативное сравнение в Чевенгуре". Зборник матице српскэ за славистику. Нови Сад. 87 (2015). С. 199-212. (see the number).
Thank you for having me, Kornelia!
2015/6/20・27(土)14:00-16:30 千葉市商工会議所にて連続市民講座『ロシア東欧の文化と芸術』第2回「目と耳の快楽ーロシアの美術と詩歌」(講師:鴻野わか菜先生、坂庭淳史先生);第3回「踊るロシア、観るロシアーバレエと映画」(講師:村山久美子先生、佐藤千登勢先生)が行われます。司会を務めます。予約無用。お気軽にお出で下さい(詳しく見る)。
2015/6/13(土)13:15-17:45 早稲田大学(戸山キャンパス)にて日本ロシア文学会関東支部春季研究発表会が開かれます。修士論文発表の他に、佐藤純一先生(東大名誉教授・日本ロシア文学会顧問)のご講演もお願いしています。ふるってご参加ください(詳しく見る)。
2015/5/29 (Fr) A new Russian book on Andrei Platonov has been published:Е. А. Яблоков (ред.) Поэтика Андрея Платонова. Сб. 2. Новые территории. М.: Совпадение, 2015. My article is included there: Нонака Сусуму. "Противостояние лиризма и антилиризма как момент эволюции творчества А. П. Платонова ("Однажды любившие" и др.)". C. 7-17.
Thank you for your leadership and editorship, Zhenya!
2015/4/29-30 An international conference "A Captured Victory: Key Images, Concepts, Ideologies" will be held at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) in Petersburg. I will take a part in it (see the program).
2015/3/27 (Fr) 13:30-17:00 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Saitama University will hold an international symposium "What Professional Development Can Offer for Globalizing Higher Education and Empowering Early Career Researchers" (see the program). Please join us!
2015/3/21 (Sa) We will hold an international seminar on Russian literature and culture at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul (see the program). Would be happy to see you all.
2015/3/17(火)14:40-18:00 早稲田大学にて「プラトーノフの会」が開かれます(文学部36号館3809教室)。私も報告予定です。お気軽にお越し下さい。
2015/3/4(水)13:00-14:15 埼玉大学にてダニエラ・ヴァシッチ氏(ベオグラード大文学部准教授)の講演があります(詳しく見る)。
2015/1/11-12 Saitama University will hold an international conference "Mediating Israeli History and East European History" at the Tokyo Station College. I will be a discussant (See the program). Please join us.
2015/1/2 (Fr) A Festschrift book in Honor of Natalija Kornienko has been published: "Страна филологов": проблемы текстологии и истории литературы. К юбилею Н. В. Корниенко. М.: ИМЛИ, 2014. My article is included there: Нонака Сусуму. "Семантика поэзии и пропаганды: тыняновский проект". С. 428-436. (see the contents).
Congratulations, Natal'ja Vasil'evna!
2014/12/27 The year 2014 is coming to the end. I am happy to have seen a lot of people this year. Would like to see more of you in 2015. I wish you all a happy New Year! Thank you.
2014/11/29(土)14:00-17:30 研究プロジェクト「近代ロシア文化の自叙の研究:自伝的散文と回想を中心に」第1回研究会(共催:ベセーダの会)が早稲田大学にて開かれます(文学部39号館第5会議室)。ご参加をお待ちしています。
2014/11/22(土)14:50-18:00 「プラトーノフの会」が早稲田大学にて開かれます(文学部33号館333教室)。お気軽にお越しください。
2014/11/1-2 日本ロシア文学会第64回全国大会が山形大学(小白川キャンパス)にて開催されます。私も初日に報告します(詳しく見る)。
2014/11/1(土)15:15より 山形大学(小白川キャンパス)にて井桁貞義先生(早稲田大学名誉教授)の日本ロシア文学会大賞受賞記念講演会が行われます。司会を仰せつかりました(詳しく見る)。
2014/9/23-25 The 8th International Andrei Platonov Conference will be held in Moscow, Institute of World Literature (IMLI). I will take a part in it and read a paper (See the program).
2014/1/25(Sa)We will hold an international seminar "The Evolution of Russian Culture of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Perspectives from East and West" at Sophia University (Tokyo) from 11am to 6pm. (see the program)
2013/12/27 今年も早かった…。皆さま、よいお年をお迎えください。Дорогие друзья, как время летит! Желаю вам всем добра, света и большого счастья в Новом году.
2013/12/12-13 Slavic Research Center at Hokkaido University holds an international conference "Catastrophe and Resurrection: New Approaches to a Changing Slavic Eurasia". I will be a discussant at the sixth panel "Images of the Others in Russian-Soviet Culture"(13th, 15:15-17:15; see the program)。
2013/11/2-3 日本ロシア文学会第63回全国大会が東京大学(本郷)にて開催されます。私も報告します(詳しく見る)。
2013/10/16(水)16:40より 東京大学(本郷)にてアレクセイ・ユルチャーク氏をお招きして研究懇話会が開かれます。私もコメンテータを務めます(詳しく見る)。
2013/8/9-10 The 5th East Asian Conference on Slavic-Eurasian studies will be held at Osaka University of Economics and Law (Yao, Osaka). We will have a panel on "Performativity in Russian Culture in the Twentieth Century" (III-5) on 8th (Fri.) Aug. Please join us. (See the program)
2012/12/31 今年もお世話になりました。皆さま、よいお年を!Поздравляю вас с Новым годом! Всем вам счастья, здоровья и всего наилучшего!
2012/12/8(土)14:00より早稲田大学にてシンポジウム「文学理論の世紀のあとに―『再考ロシア・フォルマリズム 言語・メディア・知覚』をめぐる討論」があります(詳しく見る)。
2012/10/20(土)11:30より東京大学(本郷)にて第二回ロシア文化史研究会(「ベセーダ」)があります (詳しく見る)。
2012/7/7(土)14:30より東京大学(本郷)にてロシア文化史研究会(「ベセーダ」Беседа любителей русской культуры)があります (詳しく見る)。
2012/5/26(土)14:00より上智大学にて国際セミナー "The Evolution of Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century: Body, Voice and Periphery" が行われます(詳しく見る)。
2012/5/8 HPの作成を始めました。よく分からずやっているので、お見苦しいところ多々ありますが、ご容赦ください。少しずつ良くしていければと思っています。